Thursday, March 13, 2008


Well bless my soul, here we are at the Hot and Bothered Blog Party!

Thank you, Laurie, for having me as a guest. It’s great seeing so many great friends and readers and thanks for coming to sit a spell and chat.

One of the reasons I wrote Hot and Bothered was I wanted to set a book in the South, the real south. It has a flavor all its own from the way folks talk...How’s your mamma and daddy? the food...anything that has a stick of butter and cup of cream has got to be delicious! Just ask Paula the way gals and guys behave.

Are you a closet Southern Belle? Now you ask, Okay what the dickens makes a Southern Belle? Well, I just happen to have a little list...

Do you never wear white after Labor Day or before

Do you own a strand of real pearls and wear them
with pride

Always drink sweet tea and love it when they
have it on the menu

A part of you truly believes in those Yankees

Civil War? What Civil War? Now that unfortunate
Northern Occupation...that you know about

Have Lee as part of your name or your children’s

Fav movies are GWTW and Steel Magnolias and Fried
Green Tomatoes

Actually read GWTW and reread parts from time to
time. Wish you had the name Scarlet

Have a tiara hidden in your panty drawer and
know how to twirl a baton

Have an umbrella that looks a bit like a parasol

Make sure your children know manners and use them

Love Red-eye gravy, grits, country ham and make
your own biscuits

Know that prime real estate is The Mall,
The Country Club and The Beauty Salon

Buy more then one can of hair spray at a time

Have actually said Y’all come back, Bless your
your heart, Drop by when you can, How’s your

Love white gloves and wear hats

Have a subscription of Southern Living or ripped
a recipe from that magazine at the doctor’s

Have a pineapple decoration somewhere in your

Think the magnolia is a piece of heaven on earth

And what about the food? Do you own a Paula Deen Cookbook? Catch her on TV whenever you can? Actually copied a recipe and made it and know how to make cream gravy from scratch and would rather poke yourself in the eye with a sharp stick than put cool whip on your homemade pumpkin pie! Is there anything better than southern cooking? Well maybe Italian but that’s another blog.

So, how do you measure up? Is a part of you a Southern Belle? Know someone who is? I really tried to keep these characteristics in mind when writing Hot and Bothered. A gal in NY city is way different than a gal in Savannah and I sure wanted it to feel that way.

I am definitely a closet Southern Belle! I do make fried chicken and bathtub gravy. That’s what my kids call my cream gravy because they could eat a bathtub full of it. I do make my own pies, have white gloves, crab at my kids if they don’t use their manners, buy extra-hold hair spray, subscribe to Southern Living, have a fancy umbrella that I’ve been known to twirl from time to time and do know how to twirl a baton for real. Even took lessons.

On the Southern Belle scale I’m about a 7. What about you? What is your Southern Belle Score?

Thanks for being here!

Hugs, Dianne Castell


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Kacey said...

Oh honey, you forgot two of the most important ones...

Every "true" Southern Belle has a deviled egg plate and a special pitcher for their iced tea! (or so my great-grandmother insisted).

And I can't tell you how happy I am to be back in the South where I can actually buy field peas or black-eyed peas with jalepenos in them without having to go to three different grocery stores to find them! (LOL)

Stacy S said...

I love the sweet tea. That's about as southern as I get!

Anonymous said...

Of course I'm a Southern Belle ask anyone who knows us and my grown son has the best manners that anyone here in these parts have seen and yes though we live up North now I'm still carrying on my wonderful Southern traditions. Now will y'all kindly pass the sweet tea I'm a bit parched after all of that typing. Thanks sugar :-) Donna P.

Wendy said...

Oops. I'm so not a Southern Belle! lol.

Cheryl said...

I'm afraid I'm about a 2 on the Southern Belle scale. Although my mom has drilled into me that you only wear white after Memorial Day and before Labor Day. That was a great post and looking forward to reading Hot and Bothered.

Cheryl S.

Anonymous said...

My children's name isn't Lee and doesn't have Lee in it, but my BIL and nephew does. LOL

So with that and the fact I don't have a tiara...I'm about an 8/9. :D

Unknown said...


Funny and oh so true about the deviled egg plate and the Sweet Tea pitcher. Living in the Northwest I can certainly relate to not being able to find field peas, though black eyed peas are easily available here.

I am a Southern Girl at heart as well, if being 1/2 Cajun counts, and I certainly think it does. My daddy was a 100% Cajun man who was born and raised in the swamps. I still remember and miss the family get-togethers we had with all of the cousins and neighbors.

Thanks for the memories, ladies, and thank you, Laurie, from a fellow Romance Junkie reviewer.

Lettetia [Scarlet]

Anonymous said...

Being for NC, it's hard not be a little bit of a Southern Belle. I scored an 8.

I'm really looking forward to reading this book. It will jump to the top of TBR pile. :)

Katie B.

Laura J. said...

I'm definately a southern girl (at heart anyway). I say y'all and food isn't good unless it's clogging the arteries. I'm not a real fan of GWTW although I did love the Carol Burnett parody of it. And I don't like tea.

Savannah is a beautiful city. I would move there in a heartbeat. I can't wait to go there again.

Anonymous said...

No, I am not a Southern Bell - unfortunately far from it - am from the North - NY.

I do love Pecan Pie and make a real mean one - got the recipe from my southern sister in law.

Good luck with the book.

Pat L.

DianneCastell said...

Hi, Kacey.

Oh, I did forget some biggies on being the perfect Southern Belle!
I do have a special pitcher for my was my grandma's. But I do not have a deviled egg plate!
With Easter right around the corner I bet I can get a mighty fancy one.

I'm not a black-eyed peas fan but love okra to death. Yummmmm.


Dina said...

I'm not much of a Southern Belle either. :)

I love deviled egs and tea though. :)

DianneCastell said...


Transporting southern charm and manners across state lines is an absolute must!
No Southern Belle left behind!


DianneCastell said...

And pecan pie!
I forgot to add that as a must. I have a great recipe. It's fast and easy totally delish.

Pecan Pie

9” unbaked pie crust
1 cup light corn syrup
1 cup firmly packed dark brown sugar
3 eggs slightly beaten
1/3 cut butter melted
½ tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla
1 cup pecan halves (or walnuts)

heat over to 350. Combine corn syrup, sugar, eggs, butter, salt, vanilla and mix well. Pour into crust, sprinkle with nuts and bake for 50 min till knife comes out clean. Cool. Add whipped cream, ice cream etc. 


CrystalGB said...

I am a Southern Belle at heart. I love sweet tea and all the Southern cuisine. I watch Paula Deen often.

DianneCastell said...

Anyone else have a fav Southern recipe?

Has anyone made sweet potato pie? And I still can't make biscuits as good as Bob Evans!


Laurie D. said...

You know, I've always loved the south but never considered myself a southern belle until reading Dianne's list - hey, I'm there!!

I adore Paula Deen, my hairspray is always extra-strong and yes, I can twirl a baton (or I used to be able to!), I have three deviled egg plates, and hope that my daughters and I have impeccable manners - most of the time, anyway!

My prize for this blog party will be a coffee mug from Paula Deen's The Lady and Sons restaurant in Savannah. It will be shipped directly to the winner from Savannah! I have one on my desk here at work (for my water) and thought it would be right fittin' for a prize!

Thanks for stopping by, everyone! Dianne, it's going to be a fun two days!

DianneCastell said...


Those of you who are not Southern Belles are you a Northern Belle or Western Belle? A midwest Belle? And what makes you one?


Lori Foster aka L. L. Foster said...

Hey Dianne and Laurie!
I'm not a southern gal, though I have a definite twang in my voice more often than not.
But hey, you'll rarely, if ever, catch me in pearls! And the only white I wear is T-shirts and tennis shoes. LOL

Dianne, that book was SO dang good! I loved every second of it. When Kate Duffy (the editor) sent it to me with a note saying, "Prepare to be amazed," she was dead-on! You've always been a stellar writer, but this book is special.

Way to hit a home run, girl!

Hugs to all.


DianneCastell said...

Oh, Laurie, I have always thought of you as a perfect Southern Belle! You have gracious and charming daughters, always look perfect with all things matching and you volunteer.

Volunteering is a huge part of being a Southern Belle and no one does that better than you! Your work with the troops is remarkable!

Thanks, Laurie

Barbara said...

McDonald's is even trying to cash in on the sweet tea thing here lately. Anyone tried it?

Funny but when I traveled for work many years ago I found that some southern restruants only served sweet "iced" tea in the summer. Funny because you drink other cold drinks in the

I love fried okra, pecan pie and thought fried pickles was a unique dish. Surprisingly very good though.

Unknown said...

I am more Cajun then southern bell being by the bayous of Louisiana :). I do relate to a lot of these tho, even my momma & son have Lee as a middle name. I didn't realize that was a southern thing.

ReadingIsSoMuchFun said...

Hey Dianne,

Congratulations on the new release. Hot and Bothered sounds like another great read :-) Look forward to reading this one love the cover for it as well.

I guess I am a Southern Belle *g* I score at least a 4 :-)

Always drink sweet tea and love it when they have it on the menu (I love tea & with lemons as well)

Love Red-eye gravy, grits, country ham and make your own biscuits ( Love gravy, enjoy making & eating ham and I love biscuits just I don't make my own though *g*)

Buy more then one can of hair spray at a time (Sometimes I do depends if it's a good sale I buy more then one can LoL)

I watch Paula Deen love her shows she is so funny I watch her on other shows as well :-)


Barbara said...

Oh and Dianne. Hot And Bothered is wonderful. Readers are in for a special treat. I think this book takes your writing to a whole new level. Wishing you much success with this release.

DianneCastell said...

Hi, Lori!

Come, come. Do you not eat fried chicken, mashed potatoes, pork chops and adore apple pie! And then there's your mannered sons!
You have incredible men in your life. True Southern gentlemen!
An no one does flirty sundresses like Lori Foster. :-)

And I think Linda Keller's lovely Southern speak rubs off on all of us. After having lunch with Linda I talk Kentucky for a week! Makes me feel sexy.


DianneCastell said...

Hi, Barbara.

So glad you like Hot and Bothered.
Great fun writing it.

So...are you a Southern Belle? :-)
I think so as Southern Belles are wonderful friends and you are truly that!


Billie Jo said...

Hey Dianne!

I am a 9 on the scale of being a Southern Belle....Doesn't my name say it all? LOL

Altho I grew up in Ohio, my family is very southern. I spent a lot of time in Tennessee. My grandmother is the best southern cook my taste buds have ever had the pleasure of enjoying.

Billie jo

DianneCastell said...

Hi, Angie!

do you cook Cajun?

And being in Louisiana you must be a true Southen Belle. I was there on a plantation tour and saw some of the most lovely homes. Time warp to GWTW! I felt as if I left a piece of my soul there when I left. Truly lovey. Even the earth smells special.


DianneCastell said...

Hi, Linda. Just watching Paula Deen makes me smile. What charm. I saw her on Oprah and the recipe went so wrong and she was a hoot over it. I really like her and can that gal cook!


ReadingIsSoMuchFun said...

Dianne, I love sweet potato pie. Last year my fiance and I made yams with apples in it. We cooked the yams till it got very soft then we put it in a food processor to make it all smooth and no lumps *g* then I cut up the Granny Smith apples in slices.

We then put the yams in a pyrex glass dish it was a 9 by 5 one we used. Spread out the yams in the glass dish and layed the apples across the yams and in the middle as well. We put it in the oven for 30 minutes on 325 :-) It was very good and the apples gave it a great sweet taste to it.


Barbara-Jo said...

Well, I guess I would rate myself a 7 on the Southern Scale. I always make/serve sweet tea, own and wear my pearls (in 2 different lengths) all year long, was born in Virginia and my first name is Barbara-Jo. I believe in saying and teaching our children to use their manners - say yes sir and no ma'am - never call an adult by their first name but call them Miss Susan or Ms. Lori. Gone with the Wind is one of my all time favorites. Doesn't every house have a copy on the shelf?
I'm looking forward to reading your book!

ReadingIsSoMuchFun said...

Hi Dianne,

I agree with you about Paula Deen. I love watching her shows she always make me laugh she is wonderful and can she cook yes. Wouldn't mind visiting her for breakfast, lunch or dinner *g*


DianneCastell said...

Hi, Lettetia!

Your daddy 100% Cajun gives your special Southern Belle status.
I'm sure you miss your family. Everyone getting together is always the long as no one drinks too much beer and a fight breaks out. We've had that happen too. Southern manners goes just so far!


DianneCastell said...

Hi, Barbara-Jo.

Yep, you are a true Southen Belle!
And I do have a copy of GWTW sitting right here on my desk!
I gave all my daughters pearls. Wouldn't have it anyother way!


DianneCastell said...

Hi, Billie Jo!

Yes, you are a Southern Lady. Such polite children and you do know your weapons. You are a Steel Magnolia for sure.

Did your grandma give you any great recipes? The ones passed from generation to generation are the best!


DianneCastell said...

Linda H...

I am with you on visiting Paula for breakfast! I'm starved and a wholegrain muffin sounds terrible when I think of what Paula would serve up.


Laurie D. said...

If any of you make it to Savannah, be sure and visit Paula's restaurant. We've been there twice and while you have to wait in line forever to get your name on the list and forever again later for your name to be called, it's well worth it. It is beautiful inside and the food, just as you would expect, is fabulous!

Jane said...

Hi Dianne,
This is a great party. I'm definitely no Southern belle, I'm a NY gal. The only thing on the list I identify with is the sweet tea, I love it. I loved "Hot and Bothered." Which of the four girls in the book are you most like?

Angie-la said...

Hi Dianne! Oh, I most definitely a Southern Belle. Paula Deen is a goddess and I have made several of her recipes. One thing you forgot to mention...every true SB has a 'secret' pound cake recipe that has been handed down from her mother/m-i-l who got it from her mother..etc.
And you must remember... a SB would sooner cross the hot asphalt on her lips than to say an unkind word that is not preceeded by the phrase 'bless their heart'. It is like the absolution from the Pope.

Anonymous said...

We have a couple of deviled egg plates. My fave movie is Steel Magnolias and I love watching Paula Deen. I do say bless her heart and y'all. lol.

Kacey said...

Can't forget that deviled egg plate! ;) You should definitely read Paula Deen's book - It Aint' All About the Cooking - very inspirational.

I have a MEAN Jambalaya recipe and my Grandmother's Sweet Potato Pie recipe...She adapted it after she found out she was diabetic, and it just never tasted the same (LOL). And yes, Angie-la, I DO have a pound cake recipe!

I also have my other grandmother's Oyster Dressing (those not from the South would call it Stuffing) Recipe which the family looks for at both Thanksgiving & Christmas.

My Great-Grandmother took my cousin (the only other teenage female in the family at the time) and me aside and taught us a few things she considered ESSENTIAL to a "good upbringing" - How to make jam and jelly and how to cut up a whole chicken without making a big mess out of it...Seriously.

Dena said...

I live in Washington State but on a Southern Belle scale I'd say I'm about a 3-4. I love love love Paula Deen and her shows and will watch reruns. My daughter was raised with excellent manners and GWTW is on my bookshelf and in my video library. I have a beautiful strand of pearls too. I have wanted to visit Savannah, Nashville, and Branson for a long time. Especially Savannah. Your book sounds really good Dianne and I can't wait to read it!

DianneCastell said...

Jane asked which one of the four gals in Hot and Bothered that I'm most like.

Wow, what a question.

Charlotte solves problems and a care taker. Taking care of her daddy leads her into mess royal.

Prissy is just that...prissy and can't afford to wear the real deal so wears knock-offs. Raised by the good sisters and feels the need to take care of them

BrieAnna was raised with the silver spoon, dresses in Nieman Marcus latest catalog and hosts events to safe the old houses of Savannah.

Bebe is a Savannah cop. Model pretty but wears ugly buttoned up suits. Has no idea she's gorgeous. Feels the need to save everyone.

Now as to who I am? Well I'm not gorgeous and not rich and not prissy so I'd say I'm more like Charlotte. I like to solve problems and too often find myself in the middle of things.

Who are any of you most like?

Billie Jo said...

LOL Dianne! You don't live out in the wilderness without any type of weapon....LOL Darn snakes and mountain lions are wicked..hahaha

Yes she did give me her recipes. I do cook sometimes in lard to because that is the only way she would cook...sigh my taste buds are jonsing for some homestyle cooking. And her cornbread..yummy!

I wish I had learned the whole canning process from her but alas I was just tooo busy.

Billie Jo

DianneCastell said...

Dena, you are a loooong way geographically from home but the South is in your heart.


Anonymous said...

Hi Y'all -

I'm a ture Southern Belle. Grew up outside Atlanta- moved away for awhile & now I'm back. And I definitely love it!

Remember that in the South tea needs to be served cold, cold, cold!

Also one thing I missed about not being in the South is the SEC. You'll find that Southerners think of SEC football as a religion & their loyalties to their teams are unbelievable. Births, marriages, deaths, burials are planned around "the game". Divorces can get nasty when season game tickets are involved. And heaven help if your Alabama Cohorts find out your child decided to go to Auburn. The shame of having a traitor in the family.

Also if you're from the deep south you will have read & owned Joel Chandler Harris' Uncle Remus Tales.

By the way Dianne - this is Lisa Anne - hope you remember me from OVRWA. I'm back in Georgia now. So happy you're doing so well.

Angie-la said..., too on the oyster dressing!
But I also have my husband's Maw-Maw's cornbread bressing recipe, too. We used to eat it raw, it was so good. I would share the recipe, but then I my husband would have to kill me and he is kind of squeamish around blood and stuff. :)
I do have a killer chocolate chess pie recipe though. And one for what we call salmon patties but some folks would probably call salmon croquettes!

DianneCastell said...

Billie Jo,
you've always been my kind of woman! I think there's a return to the good-old-ways. People taking up woodworking, knitting, canning, breadmaking cooking from scratch.

Something about hands-on and making it yours. Nothing quite like it.

DianneCastell said...

Angie, you are some kind of cook! Oyster stuffing. Never had it but does it sound great!

My daughter got the secret family recipe for rum cake from her future m-i-l. That's when I knew she was accepted into the family!


DianneCastell said...

Angie, you are some kind of cook! Oyster stuffing. Never had it but does it sound great!

My daughter got the secret family recipe for rum cake from her future m-i-l. That's when I knew she was accepted into the family!


Angie-la said...

Lisa Ann..Amen on the SEC, honey! But I you missed mentioning the only team that embodies the true spirit of the SEC.
I think you know who I am talkin' about.
How 'bout them Dawgs??!!

Anonymous said...

Also something else about Southern Belles. They are true, hardcore friends. They don't just keep your secret about where the bodies are buried, they'll help you bury them!

Lisa Anne

Billie Jo said...


I soo agree. My grandmother was still canning until a year ago but now she is in a nursing home slowly wasting away. She turns 87 tomorrow.

Billie Jo

Billie Jo said...

Lisa Ann,

LMAO and oh so true about hardcore friends and the bodies of course...LOL

Billie Jo

DianneCastell said...

Hi, Lisa Anne!
I sure do remember you. :-)

There are three religions in the South: Baptist, Methodist, Football.

So glad you got back to where you belong! Atlanta is wonderful. Close to everything. You just have to live through the traffic jams. Holy mother, the traffic!


DianneCastell said...

Billie Jo,

so sorry about your grandmother. Very hard to see them slipping away. I'll keep you all in my prayers.
She sounds like a wonderful person


Anonymous said...


You and my nephew would just love each other. He lives in Bama, but loves the Dawgs!

I'm also a Kentucky Basketball fan! That's the only men's team in the South & of course the only women's basketball team is the Volunteers!

I think I love the tradition that the south holds.

Lisa Anne

PS - A lot of Southern women - & men - go by 2 names.

DianneCastell said...

Lisa Ann and Billie Jo,

There are no friends like Southern woman friends. Kind of the whole theme of Hot and Bothered. Love the idea of helping to bury the body. I'm going to use that one in a book!


Fedora said...

Hi, Dianne! I don't think I'm much of a Southern Belle--I just love reading about them. There's something about all that graciousness and strength paired with some frills and good manners! So glad you're partying here today!

Billie Jo said...

Thanks Dianne.

She has lived a long miserable life...LOL She is not exactly a nice person. She is also known in the family as the Wicked B**** of the South...LOL

Billie Jo

Billie Jo said...

OOh and don't forget the "stills". My grandmother's friend still makes moonshine and brings it up to her and it is the bestest...yummy :-)

Billie Jo

DianneCastell said...

Yes, the two name detail is a must. Very southern. When I get angry at my kids I always call them by first and middle name.

A gal I work with at the Snoot has her kids call me Miss Dianne. So charming coming from a three-year-old.


DianneCastell said...

Oh, Billie Jo.
I'm LMAO! Here I pictured this kindly old lady with cookies and kids galore. And now I have a whole other picture. Still...the woman did know how to use a pan!


Enchanted by Books said...

I didn't score really on any of those. I guess I'm not a Southern Belle. Although my future mother in law does buy more then one can of hairspray at a time. I don't think it makes her a Southern Belle though. LOL She just likes hairspray.

Awesome contest by the way! Great prizes! :)

Anonymous said...

Dianne -
I'm really enjoying being back. My son & his wife are still in Kentucky & I'm a grandma now. My pearls I gave to my daughter-in-law on her & Cody's wedding day & she'll pass them down to Riley (granddaughter).

I don't have a sweet potato pie recipe, but I do have a sweet potato souffle recipe that is wonderful. I come from a long line of Southern cooks.

Down here you need to know how to fry chicken, fry okra, make biscuits, sweet tea, good mashed potatoes, banana pudding, & a few other things.:)

Some one mentioned making a rum cake. I make a great Harvey Wallbanger Cake!

Lisa Anne

Karen Kelley said...

I am 96% Southern Belle, honey! But y'all already knew that! LOL I can't wait to get my copy of Hot and Bothered. Every true Southern woman just has to run out and buy this book!

DianneCastell said...

Hi, Flichen.

I'm thrilled you're here today too!

Reading about the South makes you a part of it, I swear it does. I think I got my roots when I read GWTW a bazillion years ago. The whole culture and beauty of the area grabbed me and I turned instantly Southern!


DianneCastell said...

Howdy Karen Kelley!

Great seeing you here. Yep, you are Southern clear through. No better friend then KK and no one makes you laugh harder. And the girl can cook.

I think Karen is the best of all worlds...Southern and Texan!


Billie Jo said...


I do that too when I get mad at my kids. I gave my daughter "Katherine" as her middle name because my great great grandma was a "true" Southern Belle. So Nicole knows when I use both names, heads are going to fly...LOL

LMAO about my grandma. Oh yeah she knew how to use a pot and pan on the stove and over your behind if you gotta out of line. Ugh Mean old woman...LOL

Billie Jo

DianneCastell said...

Lisa Ann,you are some cook!

I love okra but only use it in soup. I need to fry up a batch. Do you just batter it and fry like chicken?

ellie said...

Love your books and congrats. Great contest.
I am not a Southern Belle since I don't score on any of thase points. I am enjoying this entertaining post today.

Anonymous said...

Dianne -

The body thing you can use - just give me credit for it - ha! ha!

Someone mentioned stills - my family was never into shine, but my daddy was hunting on my granddaddy's place & ran across someone shining. It was around Christmas time. Daddy told him he was going to tell Big Daddy (my granddaddy about it & he needed to stop, etc.). Well, the man beat Daddy back to town & talked to Big Daddy about the still. He said he was trying to make Christmas money & that when he did he'd close it down. Big Daddy let him do it through Christmas & then the man shut it down & never started it up on his land again that anyone knows of.


Billie Jo said...

Hey Karen!

Geeze they will let anyone in here won't they....LOL I can't wait to see ya!!!

You are definitely a true belle! And we just love your sassiness...LOL

I agree I can not wait to get Dianne's new book too!\\

Billie jO

MsValerie said...

I wasn't surprised that I scored only a 2. No Southern Belle here...not even buried deep. Go figure. I'm a true Yankee transplanted to the Midwest. Bummer.


DianneCastell said...

Billie Jo, Your grandma is definitely headed into my next book! Love the character!

Your kids are totally darling. I cannot imagine you having to yell one tiny bit at them. :-)


Laurie D. said...

Goodness sakes, Dianne, you've got things rolling right along, don't you? How fun! This working for a living just sucks - I'd rather spend the whole day over here having fun with y'all (how's that for southern talk, Dianne?) LOL

Did everyone see our prizes? Be sure to stop by the blogs of the authors who donated a prize - at least a couple are offering copies of H&B on their blogs too!! They're spreading the love, for sure! I have another author prize to add to the list, so check the list again!

I'll stop back at lunchtime to see what Dianne's got you all into! Have fun!

DianneCastell said...

Billie Jo, Your grandma is definitely headed into my next book! Love the character!

Your kids are totally darling. I cannot imagine you having to yell one tiny bit at them. :-)


Lucie Simone said...

I think I must be about a 5 on the Southern Belle scale. I wasn't born in Georgia, but I spent my high school and college years there, and I learned a few of those charming southern ways such as how to make homemade gravy so rich your toes curl.

Billie Jo said...

LOL Dianne!

Are you going to use her as the Wicked Witch of the South...LOL

Yeah they are great when people are around and OMG if they are not! Why is it when they are home they are true monsters? LOL

Nicole asks about you all the time.

Billie Jo

DianneCastell said...

Hi, Valerie!

I think a lot of the South seems into the midwest. The manners are there for sure. Midwesterners are so friendly and helpful. I think we travel at a slower pace and allow time for this. NY has incredible energy, just walking the streets you feel it into your bones but that doesn't lend itself to being overly friendly. No time for it.

My daughter works in Balt and had two bosses from NY. Nearly drove the poor girl nuts till she understood their ways. And she changed jobs!


Anonymous said...

Dianne -

My Mama always batters okrain 1 part corn meal & one part flour. Then you just fry it up, drain off the grease, & enjoy! :) Also after it's cut into wheels & battered you can freeze it till you need it!

DianneCastell said...

Hi, Billie Jo!

I think Nicole has a bit of her mama in her? Darling and daring. :-) Nothing better.

Anonymous said...

Dianne - I'm stopping in for a brief moment. Have a super, happy, blessed day on the blog! I adore you! Love all the Southern chat. I know Hot and Bothered will be wonderfully successful.

DianneCastell said...

Thanks for the okra recipe! I am going to do this tonight. Okra not only tastes heavely I love the look. Pretty veggie.

Stephanie said...

Oh I'm a born Yankee-Wisconsin-but a Southern transplant-lived in Texas since my early teens and around the South since then lol

Anonymous said...

Something else about Southern Belles & Southerners in general they always have a family tale to tell & some mighty interesting relatives, with interesting names. And a Southern Belle can spout her genealogy at the drop of a hanky.:)

Lisa Anne

DianneCastell said...

Howdy, Kate Angell!

Talk about a great Southern she is. Protector of all animals great and small. A friend to the end!

Thanks for stopping by, Kate!
Love love love the baseball books!


Anonymous said...

Dianne -

I've always loved to cook - especially the sweet stuff. I'm in the process of putting together a cookbook with my best friend. It will have a limited publication of 2 copies - hers & mine! We're putting down family recipes, things we've picked up along the way & there are stories & pictures, etc. to go with the recipes. It's an interesting project & it celebrates our 34 or more years of friendship. Terry is also a Southern Belle. She's from Florida, we met in Alabama, & now she lives in Washington State.

Southerners bring their true friends into their family & I've been blessed with a wonderful extended family.

Lisa Anne

DianneCastell said...

Hi, Lucie.

Where did you go to college in the South? My daughter goes to Savannah College of Art and Design. Going to visit her is why I knew in my heart I had to set a series there.


DianneCastell said...

Stephanie, you have returned to the land of milk and honey. :-)
and much better weather!


jenna said...

Love this absolutely unique blog today. I am nowhere near a Southern Belle but have been enjoying reading the posts today.
Best on your release Dianne and love your books.

DianneCastell said...

Lisa Ann!

I want a copy! I'm not above begging. What about selling it and donating it to your fav charity? I'd buy it in a minute!

If you come to the June get-together you can sell it there.
Handed down Southern recipes! Is there's nothing better!


DianneCastell said...

Hey, Jenna.

Where are you from? Bet you're more Southern than you realize. After this blog you'll be Southern by association. :-)

Hugs, Dianne

Anonymous said...

Oh, something else. Southern Belles know their barbeque & corn bread. In the Deep South the only barbeque is pork & you have to have a little sugar in your corn bread. Also we're big on nicknames! :)

Lisa Anne

Billie Jo said...


Have you ever head the "Southern Belle" joke. You can not be a true belle if you have not heard it...LOL

It is bad so I won't post it here but I will send it to you ;_0

Billie Jo

acdaisy95 said...

I'm not a southern Belle...not even close. But I have to say that I once in a while that we eat fried chicken. It's just not home made.

acdaisy95 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Laurie D. said...

Oh Billie Jo, come on! We're all big girls here - share your joke with us!

I want to be a true belle!!

Billie Jo said...

Ok Laurie here it goes....LOL

A proper Southern Belle was sitting on her veranda one summer afternoon, sipping iced tea and reading a novel, when a flashy red sports car came speeding up the long, winding driveway. The driver jumped out of the car (in less than lady-like fashion) and made her way up to the veranda. The Southern Belle recognized her as the new wife of old money and braced herself for the encounter.

"Good Afternoon," said the Southern Belle, "What brings you out for a visit."

The New Wife of Old Money said, in her grandiose fashion, "My husband just bought me that brand-new red sports car. What do you think of that?"

To which the Southern Belle smiled and said, "Oh, My! How nice."

The New Wife of Old Money continued by saying, "What do you think of my new jewelry?," flashing her hands covered with diamonds. "My husband just bought all of this for me."

To which the Southern Belle smiled again and said, "Oh, My! How nice."

Becoming a little miffed, the New Wife of Old Money said, "My husband took me on a two month tour of Europe, and we just returned. It was wonderful."

To which the Southern Belle smiled once again and said, "Oh, My! How nice."

Indignant and totally outraged, the New Wife of Old Money snapped at the Southern Belle and said, "Is that all you can say? Just oh my, how nice? What has your husband ever done for you?

To which the Southern Belle smiled and said, "Why, my husband sent me to Charm School. So, now, every time I want to say f**k you, I merely say, Oh, My! How nice"

Billie JO

Anonymous said...

Dianne -

When is the June get together. I'd love to see all of y'all again. I could do an edited version of the cookbook. I don't think Terry & I would want all our college & beyond secrets to get out to the world! :)

I used to have a T-Shirt that said:
American By Birth
Southern By The Grace of God

Also you know that GRITS mean
Girl Raised In The South!

I'm definitely GRITS!

Hope your daughter is enjoying her time at school in Savannah. It's a beautiful old city with lots of history.

Anonymous said...

Oy, I'm such a Yankee girl... But I'm totally down with the yummy food and sweet tea. :>]


Anonymous said...

I've got some Southern in me, but it's not Belle. I'm from Southern California, been here my whole life, so besides wearing white (all the time) and making sure my kids have good manners, I'm not sure too many other descriptions fit me.

Your book sounds great, Dianne. I look forward to reading it! Best wishes!

Lisa F. said...

Hi Dianne,

Born and raised in Georgia I consider myself a southern belle, but I've never read GWTW all the way through, and even though I have the pearls, I rarely wear them. And don't shoot me, but most of the recipes passed through the generations I've tried to make a little healthier without sacrificing lots of flavor.

I think that is what I loved about H&B the most. I put myself in all the girls places and it just fit. I really am exciting about this series and looking forward to the rest of the books.

And Angie La - keep it "Between the Hedges"!

Lisa F. said...

I hadn't heard that one in a while Billie Jo. Thanks for the memories!

DianneCastell said...

Lisa Ann.

The June even it June 6-7 here in Cincy. It's 35$ for two days and that's to cover the cost of food.
We have editors, agents and so far over 200 attendees. If you go to my website at you can get the info and registration stuff there.

I'd love to see you.


sabrina said...

I was born and grew up in a Chicago suburb so I guess I am not a Southern Belle. Loved your points though. Fun party.

DianneCastell said...

Hi, Lisa.

So gald you felt H&B hit the mark on the Southern angle. I was worried. I live in Cincy but been to Savanna a lot. Still...that's not living there.

I subscribe to Cooking Light and try and cook healthier too. But sometimes that stick of butter just jumps in the pan!


The Wordspinner said...

Love you're southern joke!

Hey Angie La- I'm trying to put together a screenplay about Georgia Football in the 1890's. It's about a true event that happened. Hopefully, I can get the project off the ground. UGA is beautiful & a very special place.

DianneCastell said...

Hi, Sabrina.

Chicago! Bet you're getting ready for one huge St Patty's Day. Have fun! Where else do they dye the river green! Sweet mother!


DianneCastell said...

Hi, Robin!

Southern Calif. I need to visit there. Wondeful weather and no Palmetto bugs! Glory be!


The Wordspinner said...

Dianne -

Will check out the info on your website. Maybe things will work out so I can make it to Cincy. The last time I was in the area was Sept. of 2007 when my granddaughter was born. And I was there in 2005 for Cody's wedding & in Richmond, KY in 2006 for his graduation from EKU. I do little traveling these days & tend to stay in my own backyard so to speak. Know it will be a wonderful event.

Lisa Anne

Laurie D. said...

Too funny, Billie Jo! Reminds me of here at work - when clients give me an especially hard time because my boss hasn't sent a letter or returned a phone call - I always say "I undestand your concern" - that's not at all what I mean - I'll have to amend that to "Oh my, I understand your concern" instead! lol

DianneCastell said...

Hi, Lindy.

If you like sweet tea and Southern food there's no escaping you're a Belle at heart. Bet You'd love Southern Living mag.


The Wordspinner said...


I've enjoyed it, but have to run. Will try to drop back by later. I love all the wonderful conversation! Y'all have a wonderful day.

Lisa Anne

Laurie D. said...

Does anyone have any questions for Dianne - about Hot and Bothered or any of her other great books? About the writing process? Does she plot her stories out or is she a "panster"? How she spends a typical day?

Curious minds want to know!

DianneCastell said...

Oh, Billie Jo! Love the joke. :-)

Precious is like that. When someone is precious it's not always a good thing. Now bless her heart is always something positive like when an elderly Southern Belle cuts you off in her big blue Buick, you just say Bless her heart.

Asylumgirl said...

Yep, some of those do sound like me. That is a great list of prizes offered too. I agree with the comment about romance authors being so great. They really are good to us readers.

DianneCastell said...

Howdy, Laurie!

As for writing...
I do plot but the story I end up with is a whole lot different than the story I plot out. Characters take on a life of their own and like my kids don't pay diddly attention to my wishes.


DianneCastell said...

Hi ddurance.
And authors are eternally grateful to the readers who buy their books time after time. Where would we be without you. make it fun. There are no nicer gals on earth than romance readers!


petite said...

I enjoyed the SOuthern joke. How apt it is. I am so not Southern. From the great white north and now living in the Southwest but can appreciate everything Southern.

Angie-la said... of luck with that project. I'd love to see it happen. Georgia football is just rampant with rich traditions.
I don't quite bleed red and black, but my younger son sure does!!

DianneCastell said...

Laurie, love the concern statement. It's good to have something like that when you work with the public so the wrong thing doesn't come out of your mouth. I do that at the Snoot all the time. when customers get cranky I just say, Now what can we do to make this right. Better than saying Hush, you bitchy woman!


Laurie D. said...

Yeah, that's what I say after I hang up the phone, Dianne! lol

DianneCastell said...

Me, too, Laurie.
I want till they leave the store and then roll my eyes. Some think that because you're behind the counter you don't need to be treated well. Good grief!

Billie Jo said...

LMAO Laurie and Dianne!

I used to use the "How Nice" line for many years when I owned my own business.

If I had a cranky customer I would put my charming smile on and just look at them and say as sweetly as possbile....."How can we make this better"

But after I had one customer tell me that my smile was too sweet and did not believe I was being sincere...I let loose and told her "You are right! What I really want to say is get out of my store you b*tch*. LOL And she did...hahaa

After that if I could not make a person happy in the first few seconds..then my southern charm came out and told them to leave as sweetly as possible :-)

Billie Jo

DianneCastell said...

Hi Petite!

The southwest has a neat flavor all it's own and also food to die for. I cannot get used to so much open space out west and lack of green. Though I guess that depends on where you are.
What's your favorite sw dish?
And I'm thinking grilling may be a little better for you than butter and cream.


Erin McCarthy said...

I don't think people would guess it about me, but I am a Southern Belle at heart. I have a deviled egg plate, can twirl the baton, love pecan pie, and think that no place on earth is prettier than the South when everything is green and lush. I love being called "precious" by waiters and I love sitting on a big old front porch (or a courtyard or a balcony). :-)

Dianne, congrats on the new release! Savannah is an amazing setting for a sexy series with a ghost. Can't wait to read it!

DianneCastell said...

Oh, Billie Jo.

I like your attitude. The trouble is I don't own the Snooty Fox, just work there and don't want to lose my job. But I have seen the owner toss customers out.


Billie Jo said...


Is there a certain routine you have everyday when it comes to your writing?

Do you listen to music or have the tv on?

Do you have any quirks when you are writing?

Billie Jo

Anonymous said...

iam aonly a 3 not much south in me lol

kim h

DianneCastell said...

Hi, Erin!

I knew all along you were a perfect Southern Belle. Charming and gracious and you do know how to party. Southerns looove to party.

Does McCarthy have any big plans for St. Patty's Day!


Billie Jo said...

LOL Dianne! That is ok...I did it when I didn't own my business too :-) I am just a "Don't beat around the bush kind of person" LOL

I always told my employer's up front how I was. And that if a customer p'd me off to much, than my inner "Angel" will come out.

Billie Jo

Laurie D. said...

Hi Erin!

Great questions, Billie Jo!

I would love to tell people to leave our office but my name's not on the door, so I keep my nasty thoughts to myself. My boss has told clients that they'll have to go someplace else if they're repeatedly nasty - I find something very satisfying in that.

DianneCastell said...

Hey, Kim.

The longer you vist this blog the more Southern you get. By the end of the day you'll be saying ya'll and looking for pearls.


Laurie D. said...

That's a fact, Kim! I've already said "y'all" and "fittin'" and I've got a hankering for a piece of pecan pie!

Billie Jo said...

Hey Erin!!

How's it going girl? I absolutely believe you are a Southern Belle :-)

Billie Jo

Cherie J said...

I would probably have to score myself a 4 only because my hubby is a Southerner and I moved to the South. Was born and raised in NYC so I can't totally get away from my Yankee ways. :-)

principessa said...

Great posts here. Not a Southern Belle at all. But can definitely learn how to be one. Love the South and their warmth.

DianneCastell said...

Billie Jo asked:

Do I have a routine, certain music I write to etc.

I need a routine. This last year has been nuts with my dh not being well so I write when I can.

As for music... I write to a fan in the background. White noise. I have no powers of concentration. If I listened to a song I'd start writing that song! Oatmeal brain!


Barb V. said...

I am 32 miles from the Canadian border, so definitely not a Southern Belle geographically. But I love all things southern -- so much more polite and gracious in that part of the country. And I do have one Southern Living cookbook -- some great stuff in there.

On another note, I have heard nothing but great comments about Hot and Bothered, and can't wait to read it. The minute the Amazon box hits my doorstep, I'm dropping everything. I'm so glad that there will be more books in the series to look forward to.

DianneCastell said...


Where to you live in the South?
Was it culture shock to move from NYC? I bet the slowness drove you nutty!


Lil said...

I score low as a Southern Belle, but have friends who qualify for the title. Love the food that they can put together and have been the recipient of much Southern hospitality. Really smiled at "bathtub gravy". When kids love something enough to eat a bathtub full of it, you know your recipe is a heck of a success! Thanks for sharing your pecan pie recipe...spotted it in the comments. :) And Paula Deen's recipes make my tummy grumble and it is great fun to watch her show. She has so much personailty.

DianneCastell said...

Howdy, Barb!

Thanks for the great comments on H&B! It's one of those books of the heart. I connected with the girls and adore the guys they wound up with. And I got to write a mystery!

Always loved the mystery stuff and I kept the humor. There's not much funny stuff out there right now and I need a laugh!


Anonymous said...

Wow, never saw so many responses. Awesome. I forgot to say that I dont have a blog.

Pat L.

DianneCastell said...

Hi, little lamb!

You get the best part of the South...friends. And friends who share their food. Anyone who cooks for me is an auto friend.


Anonymous said...

Wow. This is a crazy-long thread! I'm a California girl, originally from Kansas, and I don't like sweetened tea (yuck), but I love GWTW (have read it at least 3 times), my mamma's middle name is Lee, and my daughter's middle name is Leigh. Sorry, General.

DianneCastell said...

Hi Principesa,

Learning Southern ways has been half the fun of writing Hot and Bothered. I had to work at getting it right. Made for some fun times in Savannah taking ghost walks and going on walking tours but I just fell more and more in love with the place. So old, so perfectly restored.

Now if they could just do soemthing about those bugs! :-)


Joan said...

I am a Southern Yankee. Love black eyed peas and grits.The book sounds great. Wishing you a Happy St. Patrick's Day from sunny Florida.

Jodi said...

Wow, this place is really hopping. But, how could I expect less when we're talking about Dianne!
Please do come to So. California. I would love to meet you!

DianneCastell said...

Hi, Jill!

A Calif girl. So envy you the sun and wonderful weather. Lee and Leigh are Southern for sure. If your daughter moves that way she can fit right in. Is your mama from the South?


Jodi said...

BTW, I'm only a 2 on the Southern Belle scale. I grew up in the midwest so that "helped" my score some!

DianneCastell said...

Hi, Joan!

I think I'm a Southern Yankee too. Like that term.

DianneCastell said...

Hi, Jodi!

I hope to make it to Calif. We stopped over in LA. Talk about the fast life. And the traffic. Oh my stars! Gives a whole new meaning!


DianneCastell said...

Hi, Pat L.
Great seeing you here.

DianneCastell said...

Hi, Pat L.
Great seeing you here.

Jodi said...

That's why you have to come to the desert in Calif. No traffic - unless it's a holiday weekend and you have all of the dirt bikers coming out to play in the desert. Or, if it's winter, you have the skiiers passing through to the mountains.

DianneCastell said...

I need to get out of my jammies! Do you believe that!
Been wonderfully busy here. I'll be back!


Anonymous said...

Oh what a fun topic! I think I would score somewhere in the middle :o) But was raised with a lot of southern rules. And I’m all over my son about his manners.

If my Dad had his way we would all be living in Alabama or South Carolina LOL. He used to do the Civil War reenactments and was of course always a Confederate. Yeah not many kids here (in California) can say that they grew up with a cannon in the front yard named after them and had a home made Confederate flag in their house LOL.

Dianne are you willing to share your recipe for your gravy? I can never get it to come out right!

flip said...

I am so not a southern belle in any fashion. But I love the south. I love southern cooking. More importantly, I named my first child, Katie Scarlett.

Unknown said...

Hi everyone!!! Just wanted to stop in tell Dianne how excited I am to read this one. My copy is on pre-order.

No Southern Belle here. I lived in North Carolina for 3 years during the 90s, but that's about it. I've been living in California for a little over a year, so I'm waiting to see if I become a California girl. :)

Maureen said...

Hi Dianne!
Well I have always lived in the Northeast but I loved Gone With the Wind and my pearls and put those white shoes away after Labor Day each year so maybe I'm a bit of a Southern Belle.

ReadingIsSoMuchFun said...

Dianne, I say we go to Paula's house together *g* It's weird though some of the cooking shows I watch the things they mix together sounds nasty but then at the end once it's all made and they show us it looks good *g*

Hey Erin & Everyone joining the party WooHoo! Now this is a party YaY!


RO said...

I'd sooo love to say I'm a southern belle, but the best I can hope for is drinking sweet tea 'til I burst! (lol)

Anonymous said...

This site is great. My post didnt go thru - so trying again.

You ladies really know how to partee! Great prizes.

Karen T.

Lisa F. said...

We've talked about all things southern, but for those not southern, what are some characteristics of "non-southern"?

Musings by Mimmi said...

Hi, Dianne!! Great blog!!
I have to admit to being at least an 8 on the Southern Belle scale...complete with my own list of do's and don'ts...I mean, a girls gotta have something to fall back on, doesn't she???
LuAnn McLane could structure her heroines around me, he/he.
Hot and Bothered sounds SO yummy, and I'm reading about it all over the's SO on my TBB list!!

Jane said...

Hi Dianne,
I'm not like any of the girls either, but if I could choose who I want to be, it would be Bebe. Who doesn't want to be a beautiful cop? Of course I would choose designer suits over the ugly brown one Bebe owns.

DianneCastell said...

Hi, Maureen.

You are a Belle for sure. The northeast is lucky to have you.
The hectic pace there is crazy esp for us Southerners. :-)


DianneCastell said...

Hi, Jane!

Bebe has issues and being a cop causes more problems for her than she ever thought possible. Bebe and BrieAnn have the second book, Hot and Irresistible.


Laurie D. said...

So many familiar "faces" here today - and lots of new ones too - welcome, welcome everyone! I hope you'll be frequent visitors.

Lisa, I love your question about non-Southern things - being smack dab in the middle of OH-IO, I can't think of much of anything special. Don't get me wrong, I love Ohio and I love the little city I live in, but it's just not the same as being down south. Everyone is friendlier, life is slower, and the grass seems greener - of course, it could be the ridiculously high humidity slowing everyone down!!

This has been a crazy day - I hope the chatter continues into the afternoon and evening, although I will be gone for a few hours this evening for dinner with my mother and a meeting at my daughter's high school. And don't forget to stop back tomorrow - Dianne will be here again - what better way to celebrate the end of the week?

Thank you all for coming by!!

DianneCastell said...

Hi, Melissa!!

What is your Southern Belle list? I'd looove to see it. Can you post it here? You can never be too much a Southern Belle.

Love LuAnn's heroines! Always the best.

I'm overwhelmed that others are talking about H&B. Truly kind of them. Thanks for mentioning it.


Unknown said...

Not a Southern Belle so much as Southern Diva, here! LOL! Glad to be here for the party! I heard about it through Lori Foster's newsletter! And I love Dianne's books and can't wait to read Hot & Bothered! I'm going to find my margarita glass and my drinking hat now. I mean, a Southern Diva needs to live up!!!

DianneCastell said...

Hi, Laurie.

I have another blog set up for tomorrow and we can talk about other things you find in the South that you don't much see in Ohio.

As for things specific to Cincy we have stuff called goetta. It's a mixture of ground beef and pork and seasons and German as all get out. And we say Please when we mean "pardon me." Have no idea where that came from.

And we put cole slaw on on BBQ pulled pork sandwich. Some even add potato chips to that sandwich. To die for. And then there's dipping Freach fries in ice cream.

Yeah, we have our share of craziness!


DianneCastell said...

Hi, Maame!

How'd you get to be a Southern Diva? I want to join. Divas have all the fun. Thanks for stopping in!


Anonymous said...

I definately am a Southern Belle, I was born and raised in Southeast Texas, and trust me sweet tea, in its own pitcher, is a staple in my house. Though I don't have any kids, yet...I definately was raised to say yes maam, no maam,yes sir, and so on. I have my own glass deviled egg plate and I can absolutely refuse to use Cool Whip on anything, its the real stuff only for us!
I could go on all day, but the true tell tale sign of a Southern Belle is that you can think she is charming your pants off, while she is really telling you she doesn't like you or what you are doing with a polite tone and a smile! :)

DianneCastell said...

Hi, Karen T.

Sorry your post didn't come through. Try again if you can!


Lisa F. said...

We have a restaurant here called Finchers that serves, The Pig. It's a BBQ Pork sandwich with cole slaw served on toasted bread. My oldest gets it everytime we eat there. And all three of mine dip their french fries in their ice cream, and even put them on their burgers.

My husband told me when he was little and his parents would eat BLT's (Bacon, Lettuce Tomato sandwich), they would put potato chips in his sandwich to make it crunch like his dads would. He didn't eat lettuce on his sandwich.

DianneCastell said...

Hi, Karren!

I love the part about being totally polite and not likeing you one bit. There is also the Southern golden lips syndrome where you can get anything if you use enough charm!


DianneCastell said...

Lisa, my family does the same thing...and so do I. Truly midwest stuff. I think!


DianneCastell said...

Hey, R.

being a true sweet tea fan is a huge step to being a Southern Belle.


DianneCastell said...

Hey, LeeAnn!

A cannon in the front yard. I am so jealous! And that your dh did unfortunate Northern occupation reinactments is wonderful! Bet you have great pictures! You all are Southernes through and through. Hope you make it back to the land of Milk and Honey soon.

As for my gravy... I make it in the same pan as where I fried the chicken. Turn off the heat and leave about 5 T-spoons of drippings in the pan. Slowly add seasoned flour that I dredged the chicken in and whip with fork as you go getting all that yummy stuff off the bottom. When it gets thick stop adding flour and gradually add milk still whipping. Turn heat to med. Add milk till you get the thinkness you like. It will get thicker and thicker the more you heat it.
If it gets lumpy just beat it with a whisk. Guaranteed to kill all lumps dead. Add salt and pepper and I always add a touch of garlic salt, seems to bring out the flavor.

Hope this works for you, LeeAnn.


Rita said...

Oh boy I'm so not close to making the Southern Belle scale ... ;o)
but had to drop in and wish Laurie a grand party for your Hot & Bothered title, it really sounds really an interesting story of which I'll be anxiously waiting for until it arrives in my country!

p.s. does watching Gone with the Wind give me points to achieving Southern Belle status ...*BEG*

Regards, Rita from South Africa

DianneCastell said...

Hi, Linda!

I'd love to go with you to Lady and Sons. We all need to go. A roadtrip to Savannah would be one great time!


Lisa F. said...

Thanks for the gravy tips, Dianne. One thing I did wrong the first time I made gravy. I didn't let the flour get brown enough before adding the milk and I had a huge pan of white thick yuck! Sometimes I add water instead of milk.

Billie Jo said...


So true about Ohio. There is just nothing spectacular about it.

And the people down south are a whole lot friendlier. My hubby got a huge dose of Southern hospitality last summer after we left RAW...ugh

Of course on the other side, the old men are just lecherous....LOL Of course it does not help when you are wearing a suggestive t-shirt...hahahaha

Billie Jo

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the gravy tips Dianna!

Yeah the canon was a great conversation starter when I was in school LOL. It was a sad day when he stopped doing the reenactments and sold the canon. Said it got to political. I have some great pic’s of my Mom and Dad in their get ups for when they used to do balls and my Mom made all of her dresses, and a great one of me on my Mom’s lap when I was about 5 in our outfits for one of the reenactments. It was really cool how she used to make all of our cloths for it.

Sorry if I was confusing but I’ve never lived in the south but probably will someday :o)

I’m really excited that I’m going to visit a friend in South Carolina in June. I haven’t been before so it should be a lot of fun.

lamclane said...

This KY girl loves a good Mint Julip! Nothing but good old KY bourbon for me... hahaha

I love southern food especially coutry fried steak. Yummy

And of course country music rules!

ArkieRN said...

I am a true GRIT. Born and reared in Arkansas (GO Hogs! Whooo Pig Sooie!)

I ALWAYS say "yes, sir" and "no, ma'am". Even my daddy still says them for fear of his mama swatting him.

Visiting in Indiana when my son was two he held the door for several women (without being asked, of course) when entering the mall and astounded them. I, of course, was suprised at their suprise.

I have an egg plate. Cream gravy is the ONLY gravy (chocolate gravy being the exception). Sweet tea is THE drink.

GWTW is my all time fav book - and I have an autographed copy!

My first "big girl" gift to my niece was a strand of pearls.

I get offended when Brits call me a Yankee and feel compelled to set them straight - bless their uninformed little hearts.

I'm a nurse and frequently tell patients to "holler if you need anything".

My nickname in the family is "Sister".

Dianne, when you make the okra, let it sit after you cut it. After about fifteen minutes the cut ends will have oozed out a sticky substance. Stir the okra to so the sticky stuff covers all of the okra. That way, when you dredge the okra the meal mix will stick better.

Wolfy said...

Hi Laurie and Dianne

I just thought I would pop by and say that I have read Hot and Bothered and it is such a good book. I just wish I could have the next one already.

The title really suits it HOT AND BOTHERED, but there is suspense and mystery and the whole book just rocks.

As for a Southern Belle, I have a lot of sayings that are Southern. But that is because of my Nova Scotia roots, and being around my parents who still say alot of things that are from the East. Apparently some people have said I do have a bit of an accent compared to the western ways, but I think they are crazy........LOL

I have a lot of recipes that my Mother who is a Southern cook has passed onto me, and coming from a small town in Eastern Canada - they all have their secret ingredient that you just don't share.

I have tried to instil manners in my own kids and for the most part think that I have managed to do that.

Okay for a short post this has turned into a saga........ROFLOL

DianneCastell said...

Howdy, Cryna!
So glad you could make the party.
Those little secret somethings that are added to a recipe are the best. It took me years to figure out what my grandma added to her spaghetti sauce to make it so good.

You live in God's country. NS is incredible. Too lovely for words.

Thanks for all the great comments on H&B. That you like it makes my day!

Hugs, Dianne


DianneCastell said...

Hi, Arkiern!

You really have a signed copy of GWTW!!!!!!

You are most definitely a Southern Belle! I am totally impressed! What a treasure!

Thanks for the okra tip. I cannot wait to get frying.


DianneCastell said...

howdy LuAnn!

I learned to love country music from you. I listen to NPR and country. What a combo!

Country fried steak is the best. I have no idea what it is but it sure is good!

thanks for stopping by!


DianneCastell said...

Hi, Leeann!

South Carolina is lovely. I'd love to live there. Maybe they don't have those horrid bugs. I have a thing about those bugs.

Your mama was some seamstress. Those uniforms are tough. Bet you have great pics!

I want the cannon! :-)


DianneCastell said...

Okay, Billie Jo, what kind of T-shirt did you wear to RAW?
I'm going this year and cannot wait!

I do like Ohio. Love the farm land and natural beauty. I love Cleveland wiht the lake. Ohio is okay.


Laurie D. said...

I think what I like best about Ohio is that the majority of its residents live the simple life. Not lots going on in my little city, but that means there's not a lot of crime or violence either.

I'll be MIA for a few hours now - picking up hubby's car at the repair shop, picking my mom up for dinner and then off to the high school for a meeting at 7. I'll check back in around 9 to see what's going on!

Dianne has lots of prizes for today and tomorrow - woohoo! My prizes, those being from the authors who donated them, and a coffee cup from The Lady & Sons from me, will all be drawn for tomorrow evening, probably around 9pm.

Wolfy said...

Dianne you are right my parents talk all the time about Nova Scotia and how beautiful it is and I would love to go there and visit. And one day I will.

But I am really, really glad that I lived on the Prairies this year because we had a pretty good winter compared to what Eastern Canada and all the States off the Great lakes has been getting. I figure that we will find the Maritimes and parts of Ontario in the Spring. And look at what you yourselves have had this year for bad weather.......It is all changing so much.

So I am really a western girl. And I love country music - which used to drive my own kids crazy.

Estella said...

I live in the Pacific Northwest and am as far from a Southern Belle as a person can get. Nothing on that list peryains to me---so guess I'm a 0.

Laura J. said...

Afternoon Dianne,

I had a question (and hopefully you haven't already answered this yet) but how is book 2 going? and when will we see it? (I know your just launching this one, but one of my non-southern gal traits is impatience! *g*) and oops that was two questions.

Laura K said...

OMG...what a list of things to be! I can claim the manners, sweet tea, and GWTW. So, sigh, I guess I score a 3!!

DianneCastell said...


Okay I had my dh pull names and here's what he got:

signed copies of Hot and Bothered
Linda H

Hot and Bothered T-shirs:
Karen T

Email me your snail addresses at

I'll do this again tomorrow and Laurie will give away all the wonderful books other authors have donated.

I cannot tell you all how much this day has meant to me. You all are the best. What a great time!

Hugs, Dianne

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