Friday, March 02, 2007


For those who haven't read the full post about this contest below, I will be drawing names on Friday, March 9 for both copies of THE PERFECT STRANGER! Thanks to all who have already entered - be sure to tell your friends to pop by!

I've decided to up the ante on this contest - if I/you/we can get 20 people to post that they are interested in the ARC of Alison Kent's THE PERFECT STRANGER, I will give away another copy of the book. No, I'm not giving away my own ARC, but I will purchase a copy after it is released and send it to a second winner. No strings, except it would be nice to hear your thoughts on the book - maybe the winner(s) could post a little snippet on Amazon and/or B&N reviews?

So come on, tell your reader friends, and let's spread the word about Alison's work!!

Have a great weekend, everyone -


Wolfy said...

Laurie - what a generous offer on your part..........I would love to be entered into your drawing.

I have the SG-5 series and have loved them.


JT Schultz said...

Hey nice blog :) I would love to have a copy of Alison's book. It looks really good! I think it is sweet of you.

Anonymous said...

Laurie, you are so nice to share. Can I enter your drawing, too? I think I can get this to work, we'll find out. Chris

Laurie D. said...

Cryna, JT and Chris - Good luck to all of you! I'm so glad you stopped over! Cryna, I've loved this series too - will certainly hate to see it end.

Judy F said...

woo hoo. Chris is here. You are a doll for doing this. Thanks To Alison too.

Maureen said...

I'd love a copy.

catslady said...

Oh, most definitely, please put me in the running for The Perfect Stranger - thanks.

Anonymous said...

Definitely put me down too. Thanks

Anonymous said...

I love Alison's SG-5 series! Sign me up for your drawing.

Minna said...

Count me in!

tetewa said...

I would love a copy of the book, PLEASE!

J said...

Please enter me in the drawing.

Sue A. said...

Count me in too! Got to love anything by Alison!

Meljprincess said...

I collect ARCs and would love to win. I enjoy reading Alison's books and have quite the collection. Thanks!

Carol M said...

I would love to win a copy of Perfect Stranger. Thank You!

Joni said...

I'm probably too late, but I would definitely be interested in reading this book as I have all but two others besides this one in the series!

Liz said...

I'ld love to be entered

traveler said...

Pleae enter me. Would enjoy this.

robynl said...

Count me in for sure; please and thanks.

principessa said...

Thanks for this opportunity to win.

Cackleberry Homestead said...

Please enter me - I love Alison's books!

Anonymous said...

Woo Hoo, I like the way you think. Would love to be entered in the contest. I also LUV this series.

Robin Snodgrass said...

I would love to be entered in your contest for this ARC. I read the excerpt for this book and it sounds awesome!
Robin S.

CrystalGB said...

I would love to win a copy of The Perfect Stranger.

Anonymous said...

You are too nice, Laurie. I can't imagine anyone not wanting an Alison Kent book.

Anonymous said...

I've heard about her book The Perfect Stranger and it sounds absolutely *fabulous*. If I win, I'd certainly be happy to post anything!! If I don't, I'll just have to wait for it to come out in the stores...*sigh*...

**impatiently waiting for soooo many great books to be released!**

Kathy K

kathyk said...

Anonymous said...
I've heard about her book The Perfect Stranger and it sounds absolutely *fabulous*. If I win, I'd certainly be happy to post anything!! If I don't, I'll just have to wait for it to come out in the stores...*sigh*...

**impatiently waiting for soooo many great books to be released!**

Kathy K

kathyk said...

Ooops.. I was having trouble logging in before and I didn't realize that my previous comment went through as Anonymous... My apologies!!

Kathy K

Patti said...

Wow, Laurie, you are a good person! For this, I'll unbounce you at Yahoo. LOL

Angie-la said...

Cool!! Alison's SG-5 series is one of my faves. I am only missing a couple of the books so far.
I'd love a copy!!


I would love a copy.

Deborah Chan said...

All of Alison's books are great.

Mahaira said...

Great offer Laurie, I would love to have a copy. Just came over to see your review of Ciar's book and found this.

I'll blog about the book at my livejournal and my myspace site.