Monday, February 26, 2007

Ciar Cullen's WIZARD OF TIME

Ciar Cullen has a brand new release from Ellora's Cave, WIZARD OF TIME. This is a re-release - a wonderfully fun fantasy that I highly recommend you check out. Ciar's books are always an absolute pleasure to read; morsels to be savored! This is my review for WIZARD OF TIME:
Powerful Wizard Trevor Rains has come back to his childhood home of Castle Borough after the loss of his mother. He felt the need to be nearer to his twin Sister, Tessa, who needs someone to tame her wild ways, as well as to be nearer to Morgan Daemoniani, an incredibly beautiful childhood friend. The opening scene of this book has Trevor and Gideon, his lizard/would-be dragon, spying on Morgan, a down on her luck witch, the only woman Trevor has ever loved. Trevor's young heart was broken by Morgan and he has never forgotten her or the pain she caused him. Morgan herself is desperately lonely, dreaming nightly of a faceless lover, positive that she will end up a lonely old woman. Top all of this off with the loss of her powers, past spells that are reversing themselves, and other inexplicable strange happenings in Castle Borough, and Morgan is one truly miserable witch. Trevor has deemed himself to be just the man to help his childhood friend, but his reasons for offering his assistance are purely selfish. He is seeking revenge for her hurtful rejection. Another long-time friend, King Artimer, is in need of a love potion that actually works. The stresses of running his kingdom, and the expectations for him to marry and produce an heir have given rise to embarrassing performance problems. Trevor helps Morgan by setting Art up with his sister, guaranteeing a night of pleasure for the king, figuring that Art is a nice guy and will be good for Tessa. Neither Art or Tessa could have dreamed how wonderful their night together would turn out, or how much they would enjoy each other's company. Trevor's plan to crush Morgan is met with success after they share an incredible night together, during which Morgan realizes that Trevor is the lover that she has been dreaming of. He does not realize how far-reaching the ramifications of his anger would be. He is so bent on revenge that his obsession has blinded him to the turmoil in the kingdom around them. Ciar Cullen has yet again delved into her incredibly talented imagination and written a book that runs the gamut on human emotion. Her lead characters are written with rich detail and heartfelt feelings. Secondary characters have their own stories that serve to add sensuality and humor, complementing Trevor and Morgan,while taking nothing away from their story. I laughed out loud at the antics of these characters, and pages later found myself sharing their crushing pain. This is a fun book and I can easily recommend it to anyone who enjoys a story filled with sensuality and humor.
I hope you'll go have a look!!

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