Monday, July 25, 2011


Once again, we've lost a beloved pet. Our five year old kitty Lottie had some health issues over the past month and seemed to be doing better. Late last week she rapidly started to deteriorate and we took her back to the vet. The vet phoned me early Saturday morning to say that they'd lost her in the night. Lottie was undoubtedly one of the sweetest kitties that God put on this Earth. We still have two cats plus Kelsey's cat that comes home from school with her on breaks, but losing Lottie is still so very painful.
This pic is Lottie with our basset hound Fred, who many of you will remember we lost a little over two years ago. They were good buddies and I like to think that maybe they're together again.

Here's a few pics taken shortly after we first rescued Lottie and her brother. He went to live with Lindsay's best friend and is fat and happy.

Thanks for letting me share - if you have a pet, please give them a few extra strokes so they know just how special they are to you.



Lisa F. said...

Without a doubt, they are together in their pet heaven, probably talking about their humans!

Hugs to you!

Pat L. said...

What a beautiful kitty.

I am so sorry for your loss.

Laurie G said...

I feel for you. Hang in there!

I lost two of my neighbors in June. Sad, Sad times!

Anonymous said...

So sorry to here about your kitty. I don't have pets right now but I know you can really get attached to them. My sister had a cat and every time I go to see her I have to take the kitty a presant of some special food.

Pat L. said...

Thought of you after our son called last nite. He was supposed to come for a few days but his dog is not too good with arthritis, so he had to postpone. I know my son will devastated if something happens to her.

And yes, I would like to think your kitty and doggies are together enjoying each other's company.

Judy F said...

Hugs Laurie and Family.

Lottie looks like such a sweetie. I remember when you first got her and how she stole your heart.

I know Fred is taking good care of her.


Sasha White said...

*Hugs* I'm sorry for your loss. Lottie looked lie a cuddly sweetheart and I'm sure she loved every minute with you and your family.

I'm going to hug my cats now.

Dina said...

so sad to hear this, think of the fun memeories.