Sunday, September 05, 2010

Before and After!

Every June at the Lori Foster/Dianne Castell Reader-Author get together, I collect tangible items and (gladly) accept monetary donations for shopping and shipping for our troops that are deployed. I mailed two big boxes in early August, then fell behind with work, helping Kelsey get ready to go back to school, etc. I decided that today was going to be the day to wrap it up and got the rest ready to go - see the pic below. After loading down several boxes, Tim and I went to the grocery and picked up a bunch more. In my best estimation, this shipment should put us right around 1,000 pounds shipped to date - how awesome is that? This is the before pic, as in before packing up and then buying more:

After: I still need to print letters and fill out the customs paperwork for the boxes, but they're packed and ready to go to the post office on Tuesday. The best part is that after shipping I should still have enough money to do more shopping and shipping to send a few holiday packages. I have to admit that the holiday boxes are my favorite to put together.

And just for fun - another "before" pic: three of our kitties a couple of years ago, Sophie, Tony as a youngster, and Lottie.

The after pic: Tony, who is now our tallest cat, and Phoebe, our latest rescue/adoptee. Phoebe will be going to Kent State with Kelsey in a few weeks, once she and her roommates are settled into their apartment and their daily routines. That's the plan, but I have to admit that I've gotten quite attached to the little thing and would be happy to keep her with me! What's one more cat, right? Tim laughs that feisty little Phoebe is just like Kelsey (who, for those who haven't met her, weighs about 105 soaking wet) - full of piss and vinegar! So funny and oh, so true!

I hope you're all having a great holiday weekend. Remember the Mariah Stewart contest that's running until Tuesday evening.
Thanks for stopping!


Judy F said...

WOW. As usual you have outdid yourself. Great job on the troops.

Love the cat pictures.

Estella said...

Great job for the troops!