Friday, August 25, 2006

Back to school

These are my girls. I love them both to death. Well, most of the time, anyway. I hate having them go back to school. First, I have to get up earlier in the morning; second, Lindsay will be leaving Sept. 2 and we have to adjust to having her gone all over again; third, I have to come up with lunch ideas for Kelsey. Yes, at 16 she is unquestionably old enough to pack her own lunch, but she would grab Pop Tarts or a bag of Cheetos and an Entenmann's caramel snack cake. No apple slices, no strawberries, carrots or cheese cubes to accompany a healthy, nutritious turkey sandwich if she's in charge.
Lindsay will be starting a new job at the Ohio University library this fall - it even comes with a big title. She'll be an assistant curator in the archives and special collections department. Being a history major, she's very excited about it. She worked in the Athens County Clerk of Courts office her freshman and sophomore school years, giving her notice in the spring because of the new job. She stopped in at the courthouse for a visit one day last week while getting some things in order at the house she and her roommates are renting, and the women begged her to come back, saying that her replacement just isn't working out. She agreed to work there for five or six hours every Friday. No classes for her on Fridays this quarter and the library job is from 2-4, so that will work out. Tim and I worry about it being too much for her. Trust me, we want her to work, but hope she'll realize if she doesn't have enough study time. At least the clerk refuses to let her work during finals weeks, which is more consideration than most employers give their student workers.
Kelsey is doing marching band and loving every minute of it. Unless you've had a band kid, I don't think you realize how much time, hard work and dedication is involved in marching band. She played volleyball last year for the fourth year, and it was disastrous. A new male coach who had only been teaching for two years, no volleyball experience, who had never coached girls before. The poor guy was lost from day one, and then doled out playing time based on how much the girls fawned over him. Kelsey refused to suck up, leaving her high and dry on the bench most of the season. It is so wonderful for her to once again be a part of something where she is wanted, respected and appreciated! Just like Lindsay, I have a new title this fall too - Band Mom. These band parents do not take their positions lightly, I kid you not. I'm now a member of the Spirit Committee, Banquet Committee and an official Chaperone. I only hope that they don't make me wear one of the band parent orange polo shirts - our school colors are orange and black. I'm afraid I'll be mistaken for the Great Pumpkin.
I hope everyone has a terrific weekend. We are going to the first football game of the season tonight, and then driving to Cincinnati tomorrow or Sunday to bring my mom home from visiting her brother. I also have two manuscripts to finish proofing and two book reviews to work on. Wish I could buy just a little more time to tack onto each day!


Judy F said...

sniff only Linny's picture showed up for me. I love her new do.. YOu have great kids. Wave to me when you are in town...

Judy F said...

Never mind I right clicked on Kelsey's picture and it showed up. Cute girls. Take after their lovely mom

Wolfy said...

Laurie your girls are really nice looking. But like Judy said they take after their Mom. Hope your weekend was great......


Anonymous said...

What lovely young ladies! You must be so proud of their accomplishments. I think mom needs an assistant to help her juggle everything. LOL.

Laurie D. said...

Thanks everyone for your nice comments! Barb S, I hope you were able to go to the concert. We've had rain here off and on all day.
Barb V, I think an assistant sounds pretty darned good! Thanks for stopping by - you're all such sweeties!!